FOSS Delhi Meetup it was!!

FOSS Delhi Meetup it was!!

Dev meetups are always a fun and interactive day out from the lives of a CS grad students. And this time it was FOSS Delhi Meetup at IGDTUW. So, how could we at OSDC miss the chance like this. As expected of the meetup, the crowd gathered there were way into the things they were working on. It was one of a kind experience listening to talks given by a variety of people (from university undergrad to those handling start-ups from a while now).

The campus itself was a cherry on the cake and added to the overall experience of the meetup. Then there were Aayush Sir, from OSDC who gave talk on "Building scalable & fault-tolerant applications with Elixir" with aim to learn about Elixir and Erlang functional programming languages. You can check his works from his website. After all, this website couldn't have come to existence without his guidance. For more detailed schedule of the event you can check-out.

As my first offline meetup I came to know a lot about Open Source Community a lot and realised the importance of organizing such meetups and more importantly, attending them in the first place. Here are few of my observations that why new developers should definitely start attending meetups:

  • Networking

Attending meetups provides an opportunity to meet and network with other developers, which can lead to valuable connections and potential job opportunities in the future. Meeting people who share similar interests and are involved in open source communities can also help to build a sense of community and support.

  • Learning

Meetups are an excellent opportunity to learn about new technologies, development practices, and open source projects. Often, experienced developers will give presentations or lead discussions on topics that are relevant to the community, providing valuable insights and knowledge.

  • Collaboration

Open source projects often require collaboration between developers, and attending meetups can provide a chance to connect with other developers who are working on similar projects. This can lead to collaboration opportunities, where developers can share ideas and work together on projects.

  • Contribution

Open source projects are often community-driven, and attending meetups can provide an opportunity to get involved and contribute to the community. This can be a great way for new developers to gain experience and build their portfolios.

  • Inspiration

Attending meetups can be inspiring and motivating, as developers can see what others in the community are working on and the impact their work is having. This can help to fuel their passion for programming and open source development.

In conclusion I would strongly recommend aspiring developer undergrads to attend these kind of meetups. Some of these are posted regulary at and others directly on the organization's website.

Me- The guy in brown tee :)
(apparently that's how everyone remembered me from that day)

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